I'm ever so thankful for the great friendship that she gave my mom, guiding her in her transition to the church and for always being there for her... I'm thankful for the marvelous things that she has taught Miggy. Bible verses and Christian ways of living that he's really taken to heart, things that I wish I learned when I was a kid, hehe. She has just done so many big things for me, my family, and everyone who has ever come across her... She was truly a blessing, one of the greatest servants of Christ that I've ever known..
I still find it hard to believe that she's gone now... It was all so unexpected and so shocking to the point of utter disbelief. Of course, I miss her, a lot. The role that she played here on Earth will be a hard void to fill, but I know that she will live on in our lives, through her family and through the church. I can truly see how God has used this to strengthen the church. And even with me, I've found that I've been devoting a lot more time to God lately, wanting to live more like her... To be a servant like her... Sigh... Yet, despite all of these sorrow feelings, I find joy in the fact that she's with our Lord now :) I can just imagine how happy she is now that she truly knows what it's like to be in heaven, to see Him face to face and finally be with Him.
So with all that said, I just want to thank Tita Elsa for all that she has done, for the legacy that she's left, and for allowing God to work wonderful things through her. Rest in paradise Tita Elsa, I'll see you when I get there :)