August 14, 2008

Summer's almost over...

Dang, can't believe school is starting soon... I mean, what the heck, already? Felt so short... Definitely not looking forward to going back, but hey, at least it's SENIOR year! Just one more year and I'll finally move on to bigger and better things! Heh, definitely looking forward to THAT more than anything this year...

So I had to go to Serra today to see the new Dean of Studies and fix my schedule due to some conflicts. Ended up waiting about an hour before I could see her cuz of the long list of ppl ahead of me... So while waiting I decided to just chill in my car, listening to the CD Ate Joy gave me for Praise Team. And that's when everything kinda hit me. A lot of thoughts ran through my head.

I mean, I had a great summer. A summer that I basically devoted to God and nothing else... And yeah, I know I've kinda drifted away from a lot of friends, but I honestly believe it's for the better, at least for now. I mean, it's hard, being w/ ppl who deny & reject God... and it actually kinda hurts, being w/ ppl who supposedly "believe," but obviously don't take it seriously enough to stop bad habits and continue living immoral lives. And for me to go back to a school that's just filled with nothing but ppl like that? It's killing me. I'm worried... Going back to a school full of complete immorality and lack of faith. But don't get me wrong, there are definitely good people there and a few Christians I know, but it seems like the bad STRONGLY overweigh the good... And I'm worried about being tempted, being led astray... But at the same time, I don't want to be so judgmental. I actually kinda feel bad for what I said, heh... I guess I just need a lot more understanding and patience, because I know I was once like that too... I guess I have to start stepping up. I need to talk more about God w/ these ppl, because that might be all it takes to start an effect... I need to start planting the seeds. It's hard as heck, but I know it's what I have to do for God, and also for me to just feel more comfortable. I just want to make a positive impact on this school before I leave...

And I know I'm not the only one at Serra who feels this way, lol. TJ and I have actually been talking about this whole issue w/ Serra, and it's good to know that we have each other's back, and that we can keep each other in check throughout the year, which I know we'll need.

So yeah, these are just some things that went through my head while I was outside my school today, alone in my car, listening to the worship music and letting the words just penetrate my soul, to the point where I almost started to tear...

I made a promise today, that no matter what happens this school year, no matter what obstacles and temptations I encounter,

"I'll worship you, my Lord. Until the very end..."

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