September 4, 2008

The enemy has been defeated

Well it's been a few weeks, but it's time to blog again! So what better to blog about than the absolutely AMAZING Hillsong United concert I went to last Tuesday. Now I could probably go on and on about it, but I'm gonna save myself the trouble because I already know I can't possibly say enough to do it justice. All I can say is that it was just POWERFUL, being lead in worship by such an amazing group of artists, along with hundreds of people, pouring their heart out to God and shouting in praise w/ hands raised high. It was truly beautiful...

One of the moments that really stuck with me was after we sang "Shout Unto God." Joel Houston declared, "When we say the enemy has been defeated, we MEAN the enemy has been defeated!"

That statement made me feel GREAT. Made me shout unto God even more, declaring absolute victory over the enemy, because I actually FELT it like never before. Being able to shut out the enemy completely as the night progressed gave me such a rejuvenating feeling. I mean, even now, whenever I sense the enemy trying to get to me, all I do is repeat that phrase in my head, "the enemy has been defeated," or sing the song out loud, and it gets him OUT. So thank you Hillsong United, for inspiring me in so many ways and for helping me shut out the enemy. Take that as yet another answered prayer.

So much went on that night, a lot of emotion, high energy, sweat, tears, and encores. And like I said, I could probably go on and on about my experience and how awesome Hillsong United is (I've really become addicted to them like never before in the past few days,) but I know praising them wasn't their purpose that night, and neither was mine. They weren't playing for anyone but God, and THAT'S why they're amazing. Pouring their hearts out on stage and inspiring the crowd to do the same, all for God, that's what I admire most. They have the power to change lives through music. God bless them, truly.

Oh, and also, I'd like to declare that Jad Gillies is my new musical hero! He's a BEAST on vocals & guitar, especially during Saviour King! Man I love it...

Well I'm getting tired, so I'm just gonna stop here. Time to kick back, relax, and listen to my new Hillsong CD :D

Praise the Lord, and may He bless you truly :)


aaron j. said...

no new blogs?! where's Gabe's mind at?!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.